Affirmations Life


How often do you hear yourself say things like “I’m not enough”, “I’m not cut out for this” or “I’m not worth it”? For me, it was more often that I can count. Being part of a major historical event—the pandemic, followed with the lockdown made me realise how impactful negative self-chatter can be. Pre-pandemic, I’d say a lot of demotivating things to myself, subconsciously, but never really Read more understood the magnitude of the harm it was causing. I’d be oblivious to the mental-harm that it did. But thanks to being locked within the walls of my house with an ample of time to self-reflect, it taught me the importance of really understanding yourself and being good to yourself. And indulging in uplifting self-talk, think positive affirmations. Never derogatory or demotivating, come what may!


It’s quite easy to believe all the negative things about yourself, right? But it’s as easy to believe all the positives in you, if you just remind yourself from time to time. If you’re someone who needs this boost of positivity on the daily or little pick-me-up comments on bad days, ahead we give you a list of positive affirmations you can tell yourself. But remember, these affirmations will only work if you really believe in them. So always say them like you mean them, and you’ll see the wonders unfold!


Trust that you are bold and strong because you’ve survived all the good and bad days of your life until now. So what makes you think you’re anything otherwise? Secondly, you’re ugly only when you tell yourself that. The magic of feeling beautiful from the inside, no matter your shape and size will do you wonders. Beauty does lie in the eyes of the beholder because—may come across as slightly cheesy—everyone is indeed beautiful in their own way!


Of course, some things are in control and some things aren’t and that’s the beauty of life. If everything was under control, would life be so beautiful? There is no point breaking your head over something that you know can’t be controlled the way you want to. But that’s okay because that’s how it’s meant to be. You truly grow up by handling things in ways you didn’t know before!No, many things in life won’t make sense. Grasping every situation in life is difficult but trust that whatever is happening to you on the daily, is happening to teach you something. And helping you grow. Yes, bumps on the road isn’t the best thing to happen to anyone but know that it’s all leading up to something good. Something in your favour. It’s the calmness you put out in the universe that attracts the good vibes.
